Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder Services Offered In Nationwide
Bipolar disorder is a challenging condition marked by alternating bouts of depression and/or mania. At DigiPSYCH in New Jersey, California, Pennslyvania and Arizona, board-certified psychiatrist Asad Hussain, MD, offers compassionate care to people with bipolar disorder. Dr. Hussain has extensive experience in acute inpatient psychiatric units treating the most severe cases of this incurable mental health condition. Call DigiPSYCH today or book a telepsychiatry appointment online to learn how you can benefit from Dr. Hussain’s expertise in bipolar disorder.
Bipolar Disorder Q&A
What is bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder affects around 45 million people worldwide. It consists of manic and depressive episodes that can be separated by periods of normal mood.
Manic episodes involve:
- Irritable or elevated mood
- Overactivity
- Rapid speech
- Inflated self-esteem
- Decreased need for sleep
- Risk-taking behaviors
- Overconfidence
Depression is the opposite of mania in many ways. It causes despair, guilt, self-loathing, and extreme sadness that rarely, if ever, eases. Depressive episodes might last for months before mania returns, and the cycle begins again.
Bipolar symptoms usually develop in the teenage years or early adulthood. People with severe bipolar disorder might become suicidal under depression’s weight and the stress of shifting moods.
What kinds of bipolar disorder are there?
Bipolar disorder varies in severity. People with bipolar I disorder suffer the most extreme highs and lows. Those with bipolar II disorder tend to have severe depression but less extreme mania (hypomania). Some people with bipolar disorder suffer manic attacks but don’t experience depressive episodes.
Another form of bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, causes less severe symptoms, and the mood shifts are often more regular. Cyclothymia is easier to manage in daily life than bipolar I or II. But it can still cause considerable disruption and distress.
It’s not clear why some people develop bipolar disorder. Your family history could have an influence because having close relatives with mental health disorders makes you more likely to develop bipolar disorder.
How is bipolar disorder diagnosed and treated?
Lab tests can’t diagnose bipolar disorder. Instead, Dr. Hussain uses his expertise to assess your condition.
Effective treatments are available for acute bipolar disorder symptoms and relapse prevention. They include:
Mood stabilizers
Mood stabilizers like lithium help reduce mood swing severity. You might need to take these daily and undergo regular blood tests to check your lithium levels and identify possible adverse effects.
Antidepressants can help stop you from sinking too deeply into depression. Some you might only take during a depressive episode, while others you take all the time. Certain kinds, like trazodone, can help you sleep or improve your appetite.
Dr. Hussain might use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you cope better. During individual psychotherapy sessions, he can also help you work through current challenges and past trauma.
Assistance from family, friends, and support groups can also be important in treating bipolar disorder.
Call DigiPSYCH today or book an appointment online for expert bipolar disorder care.
e your or your child’s life. It can help to think of yourself or your child as having different abilities rather than an illness — even people with severe autism have some extraordinary talents.
Wherever someone is found to be on the autistic spectrum, support from skilled mental health professionals can be invaluable. Treatments DigiPSYCH offers that can help children and adults with autism include:
- Behavioral therapy
- Educational therapy
- Medication
Structuring children’s daily routines helps prevent or lower stress. Dr. Hussain might suggest scheduling regular times for eating, learning, being with others, playing, and sleeping.
Knowing what affects people with autism and recognizing the causes of distress is a critical element of care. It’s also necessary to determine what environments are most beneficial for learning.
Using DigiPSYCH’s secure telepsychiatry platform, you can talk to Dr. Hussain from the comfort of your home. This primarily benefits people with autism who have difficulties coping outside their familiar environment.
Call DigiPSYCH today or book an appointment online for expert help with psychiatric treatment for bipolar disorder
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